Visual Artist

11.9km Northwest of the City Centre

Ella Bertilsson and Ulla Juske

Installation, video 00:07:11 duration, sound-piece 00:21:10 duration

Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn, 2018


“There are palm trees everywhere in this country.”

11.9 km Northwest of the City Centre presents original recordings and a replica of studio set of Rainy Days in Blanch, a family sitcom recorded in the iconic Blanchardstown Centre in the weeks before its official opening in 1996. Starring an all-female cast, Rainy Days in Blanch portrays a multigenerational family and their family friend. Each character shares directly with the audience an account of a memory, dream or nightmare. These previously unaired stories speak about house, home, family, and migration, as well as fear, paranoia, displacement and territory.

The exhibition is the product of research and practice undertaken during residencies in Draíocht Arts Centre and Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale and has been kindly funded by Culture Ireland and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

11.9 km Northwest of the City Centre was exhibited in Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn, 1st-19th of March 2018.