Visual Artist

Carrier of Memories


Ella Bertilsson and Ulla Juske

Installation, sound-piece 00:10:13 duration, video 00:07:11 duration
Draíocht Gallery 2018

Draíocht’s inaugural INCUBATE commission as part of the HOME series.


Carrier of Memories is an installation which explores various notions of home as a place of belonging, privacy, shelter and transition. It is the product of the artists’ own personal family histories as well as research and practice undertaken during their recent residencies in Draíocht (INCUBATE Studio Residency) and NKD; Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale (Norway).

The exhibition is the second in a trilogy which began with 11.9km Northwest of the City Centre (Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn, March 2018) and which will conclude with a third show next September as part of the Artists Initiative Projects at Pallas Projects/Studios (Dublin). Carrier of Memories comprising video, sound, performance and installation explores notions of home – fictional and biographical – derived from audio-recordings, interviews stories and memories. These multiple sources for the work are mirrored in the range of media employed with an emphasis on the performative. They may account too for the diversity of meanings in the installation and of perspectives on home both public and private, physical and psychological. These include dwelling place, property, the human body, memory and the subconscious. The work acknowledges the complex relationship with home as a term and as a lived reality
from secure sense-of-place to varying degrees of dis-placement (Sharon Murphy, curator).

Read Des Kenny’s review  here